Safety Information

Home Oxygen Safety Information for operating your oxygen equipment

Before operating your oxygen equipment, make sure that you have read the Equipment Guide for the equipment you have and the safety instructions in the handbook.


In the event of a fire occurring in your oxygen tubing, the firebreak will act as a thermal fuse by cutting off the oxygen supply. When the firebreak triggers, it will immediately stop the oxygen flow, preventing the flames burning back to the oxygen supply. A firebreak is always fitted at the patient end of the tubing, just before the nasal cannula or mask. For concentrators, a second firebreak is fitted on the outlet of the machine.

The arrow on the firebreak must always point towards your cannula or mask. If this is not the case, please inform BOC Healthcare by calling our Patient Service Centre 0800 136 603.

Firebreaks must NEVER be removed.

Safety Information

Fire Safety

Oxygen itself does not burn but most materials will burn very vigorously when in the presence of oxygen.

It is important that the oxygen equipment is not used anywhere near an open flame. Make sure that the oxygen is always used in a well ventilated area – this will ensure that you will not get any high concentrations of oxygen that will encourage things to burn in the event of an ignition.

You must:

  • Never smoke or use e-cigarettes (or let someone else smoke) near the oxygen equipment, even when it is being used at low flows.
  • Never use the oxygen equipment near open fires or naked flames. This includes candles on birthday cakes.

In the event of a fire:

  • Make sure everyone is immediately evacuated from the area.
  • Immediately ring 999 – if necessary telephone from a neighbour’s house.
  • Advise the operator that there are gas cylinders/liquid oxygen vessels in the premises.
  • As soon as it is practical, ring our Patients Service Centre to advise them about the fire and let them know if any of your oxygen equipment has been involved in the fire.
  • Do not use any oxygen equipment that has been involved in the fire. You should take any additional advice you are given by your local Fire Safety Officer. We strongly recommend that you fit a smoke alarm to your property and carry out regular checks to ensure it remains operational.

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